Are you looking for financial personnel? If so, you've come to the right place! JUSTIN is here to help you find financial talent. We understand better than anyone how much time it takes to find the right financial talent. Time that you as an entrepreneur would rather put into your business. That's why we can help you with the entire process.
We've been passionately doing so for the past 25 years and have matched many companies with employees. So how do we operate? We believe in a personal and involved way of working. That's why we make sure to talk to each candidate and really get to know him or her.
The same goes for our clients. We always visit you so we can get to know and understand your company culture. Now that we have a good impression of both your company and the candidates, we can make an excellent match. This way, JUSTIN helps strengthen your business with financial talent.
Westerdoksplein 4
1013 AZ Amsterdam
Hofplein 20
3032AC Rotterdam